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Snow Goose Roost in the background

Snow Goose Roost in the background

Waterfowl Hunts Feb 14, 2016
Avid snow goose hunters will almost all agree that Snow Geese are predictably unpredictable. I recall a story of hunting Snow Geese in South Dakota where the most successful hunters set up decoys in one field but set up the blinds in a blank field nearby because the geese were so wary of anything that may hold a hunters gun. Luckily we have never had to do that here where we hunt waterfowl in Central Saskatchewan. The birds we see in the fall are often just arrived from the Tundra. They are hungry, they are tired, and in the case of the young birds, they have no previous experience with goose hunters. On the day that this photo was taken the cloudy weather cooperated with clouds of geese that kept lifting off the lake roost visible in the background. The goose hunting was hot and heavy for a short while, and a short while was all it took to harvest a limit of mostly white phase snow and Ross geese.

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