Why Saskatchewan Is the Ideal Place for Snow Goose Hunting
If you are a sportsman that resides either within or outside the Canadian borders, bird hunting is probably one of among many of your preferred sports. No doubt, as fall slowly approaches, you’re looking forward to one thing only: Snow Goose hunting. What better place to experience your dream hunt of a lifetime than to spend it at the famous Saskatchewan?
There’s not a year that Saskatchewan has failed to live up to its incredibly popular name: The Land of the Living Skies. Every fall, the skies literally come alive as a myriad of geese and ducks migrate to the South. The skies are dotted with thousands of tiny shapes of Snow Geese, Canada Geese, Ducks and White-fronted Geese just to name a few.
Granted, Saskatchewan attracts numerous Goose and Duck hunters from all over the world due to the variety of birds that it is home to. However, the fact that Saskatchewan presents liberal limits makes it the ideal place for Goose and Duck hunters looking for a good time.
For the purposes of this article, we shall be focusing on Snow Goose hunting. We shall also be looking at why Saskatchewan is the perfect place for Snow Goose Hunting as they are migrating to the South.
Snow Goose Hunting in Saskatchewan
The honking noises fill the silence as the snow geese dot the Saskatchewan sky, announcing their arrival. Watching the medium-sized geese migrate in flocks is often described as divine, their snow-like appearance adding to the effect. Considered as the topmost copious species of waterfowl globally, Snow Geese are plentiful when it comes to hunting.
These birds use the same migrating routes, staging and stopovers each year whenever they migrate south to their wintering grounds. While they migrate, it is not unlikely to see them congregate in incredibly large flocks. As they migrate through and stop in Saskatchewan, they make for a perfect hunter’s paradise.
For more information on Snow Goose Hunting check out Tiger Hills Outfitting.
Below we take a look at why Saskatchewan is one of the first places to hunt snow geese on their migration south.
Fertile Water Bodies
It’s no secret that for a Snow Goose hunting experience to rank as ideal highly depends on the abundance and variety of birds. As previously mentioned, Saskatchewan is among the migrating routes and stopover areas for the Snow Geese. This is because the Saskatchewan river region is flowing with plenty of water and food, which provides sustenance for the Snow Geese as they migrate.
Snow geese are constantly in search of fertile water during their migration. The Saskatchewan river that flows through its fertile grounds cluttered with grain and barley attract, not only snow geese but any other bird species. The grain fields on the forest fringe are also known for attracting thousands of migrating birds.
Notably, there are usually two types of Snow Geese: the light- morph, and the dark-morph. The light morph is often white in color, while the dark- morph species has some blue color to them. The light- morph geese are often the first to arrive in large numbers before the others arrive.
Electronic Callers
On these grounds, you are allowed to use Electronic callers as a decoy for the white geese. This device makes Snow Goose Hunting easier and even more successful. Electronic callers are especially perfect when and if the birds start flying away and you need them to change direction.
Hunting Limitations
Saskatchewan comes with a hunting limit of 20 geese per day. In comparison to most hunting grounds, 20 is a considerably high number, which for most, can be difficult to meet unless hunting with Tiger Hills Outfitting! There is no possession limit, however, which can make for an immense snow goose hunting experience.
Additionally, the limitation allows the geese to feed, which in turn, attracts more geese to the area. Hence, the limitation is advantageous and works to ensure that hunters always have numerous hunting opportunities on a daily basis.
The Season
The fall is often the time period that large numbers of snow geese migrate, the Saskatchewan prairie attracting them. During this season, many farmers start to swath large fields of barley and wheat. A variety of bird species come to feed on these fields of both ready- to harvest and fallen barely and wheat.
Given the fact that Geese are constantly looking for food to sustain them during their migration, these fields are a major attraction. Studies show that snow geese usually need to feed longer and harder to have enough energy, which makes easy prey for hunters.
If you haven’t planned a trip to Saskatchewan, Canada, then its time you did. There’s literally no break as snow- geese flood the sky in the thousands.The time of your life awaits you in Saskatchewan at Tiger Hills Outfitting! It’s a hunter’s paradise as it encourages surges of adrenaline through the bloodstreams as you quickly try to reload your shotgun.
Saskatchewan promises an enthralling snow goose hunting adventure, so you’re going to need more than the usual number of dekes. If you’re wondering if this incredible hunting ground is within your budget, the federal permit costs $17. The non- resident game bird license, however, costs $165, which admittedly is worth it.
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