Saskatoon Saskatchewan 306-941-7676
The Best Waterfowl Outfitter

Picking The Right Waterfowl Outfitter

Who is the best outfitter? Who is the best outfitter for waterfowl hunting? How do I know who is a reputable outfitter? These are hard questions to answer. Everyone has their opinion on what makes an outfitter great. Is it going and shooting limits every hunt? Is it the experience regardless of the outcome of the hunt? Is it the relationship and trust you build with your outfitter that matters to you? We’ll try and break it down and in the end you’ll have to decide for yourself what makes an outfitter the best.

Where Do I Start To Find The Best Waterfowl Outfitter?

Your trip will always start with a hunt. The hunt to find the perfect outfitter. Usually this will start online. Some people will search best outfitter, waterfowl hunting, goose hunting or duck hunting. For this article we’ll focus on Saskatchewan as it is a world class destination for water fowl hunters and the hundreds that have put their trust in Tiger Hills Outfitting to guide them to memorable experiences. When you put in your search terms you will find a multitude of results. I tend to put my trust in reviews. You’re getting real feedback that have been with that outfitter. Delve deep into their website. Look at the pictures. Are the guys smiling? That is usually a telltale sign of people have a good time. Do you see them in multiple years? Once someone has found their outfitter and they like them they’ll never leave. They know they’ve found a winner

How Do I Contact Them?

Next you’ll want to drop them an email or give them a call. Any class operation will answer your call or get back to you within the day. They won’t want to keep you waiting and even if they don’t have room for you that year they will care enough not to leave you waiting to hear back and possibly miss out on a spot at another outfitter. At Tiger Hills Outfitting there is usually only a couple spots left per year because of returning guests but they know many great outfitters and would be happy to point you in the direction of someone you will not be disappointed in. A good outfitter is not scared to help you out because he knows  whoever he sends you to will reflect back on him and his operation.  While you have them on the phone be sure to ask the right questions. 

What Are The Right Questions To Ask?

Be sure to ask what services they offer. Some water fowl outfitters offer goose or duck hunts. Some only goose. Some only duck. Ask how many hunts you will go on. Will you be alone or will they provide a guide? At Tiger Hills Outfitting in Saskatchewan they will always put you with an experienced guide who is an expert in bird behavior and calling. Ask if meals and lodging will be provided. Some outfitters will provide home cooked meals others will order food in. Some will have a dedicated hunting lodge while others will put you up in a hotel. Do you have to find your own transportation to and from the lodge? Lastly be sure to ask what the price package is and if it is in Canadian or US dollars. Every package is different and includes different things for example shells, bird cleaning etc.

What Makes An Outfitter The Best?

This is the million-dollar question. You first have to know what you are looking to get out of the hunt. Some groups will come to Tiger Hills Outfitting to hunt for the numbers. They want to shoot their limit of waterfowl every day they are there. Still others want to come and see more birds in a day then they would see in a whole season back in their local area regardless how many hit the ground. Most come for the comradery. Most come to spend time with old friends they don’t get a chance to see except for when they come hunting in Saskatchewan. They come for the laughs and the old stories. They come for the chance to make more memories and laugh about the day and the ones that got away. Most people will tell you if an outfitter can provide you with a comfortable stay with good food and enough birds in the sky to talk about when you go home, you’ll leave satisfied. 

In conclusion only you can know what makes an outfitter the best. Before you even start your search ask around at your local club. Most likely they’ve been to Canada to hunt and can get you pointed in the right direction. There is nothing better than word of mouth for a reputable outfitter and nothing worse for a shady one!

Tiger Hills Outfitters - Goose and Duck Hunting in Saskatchewan

Book Your Saskatchewan Waterfowl Hunt Today:
Email or Call us today at 306-941-7676

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