Saskatoon Saskatchewan 306-941-7676

Canadian Geese in Saskatchewan

Tiger Hills Outfitting Jul 25, 2023

Canadian Geese in Saskatchewan

Meet the Canada Goose (AKA Canadian Goose)

Actually I am sure you have met them before. You know them for their impressive size and noisy honking calls as they cruise through the air in large flocks. Hard to miss right? The Canadian Goose are a large wild goose with a black head and neck, white under its chin and cheeks, and a brown body. These creatures are a large, aggressive waterfowl that can be found across the continent of North America and here in Saskatchewan it is no exception!  In Saskatchewan, Canadian geese populations have been growing steadily since the 1960s.

If your new to the world of goose hunting, here are a few facts about Canadian Geese that you may not know:

  • There are three subspecies of Canadian geese: the cackling goose (Branta hutchinsii), the lesser Canada goose (B. c. parvipes), and the greater Canada goose (B. c. maxima).
  • The Canadian Geese in Saskatchewan are protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act. This act states that it is illegal to hunt, kill, or capture Canadian geese without a permit from the Canadian Wildlife Service.
  • Canadian geese are very social animals. They form large groups of goslings when they are young and stay together as adults. These groups can range from 10 to thousands of birds depending on how long it has been since they have fledged from their nests and how many years they've been adults.
  • Canadian Geese are known to live for up to 25 years.
  • Canadian Geese are the largest goose in the world as some can weigh up to 20 pounds!

Canadian Geese live year round in Saskatchewan's wetlands and agricultural areas where they find food such as grain crops, grasses and insects. These areas also provide protection from predators such as foxes or coyotes who might attack them if they were on their own or had just fledged from their nests which would leave them vulnerable to predators until their feathers grew back in after molting which takes place every few months depending on climate conditions throughout Canada's regions

The population of Canadian geese in Saskatchewan is extremely high. This is due to their ability to adapt to new environments and an increase in their food supply. Once a year, these geese migrate south from Saskatchewan to warmer climates where they can breed and raise their young. 

So you want to hunt Canadian geese in Saskatchewan, eh? Well, you're in luck! The province is home to some of the best waterfowl hunting in all of Canada. Let Tiger Hills Outfitting make your dream a reality! We offer a fully Inclusive package for our waterfowl hunts which includes 2 waterfowl hunts a day and 1 morning hunt on the last day, meals, our newly renovated lodging, airport pickup / drop off as well as freindly experienced guides to put you give you the hunting experience you expect.

We are passionate about what we do. And we strive to make sure each and every hunt/trip is the best that we can make it. So that you can enjoy your trip for what it should be, the hunting vacation of a lifetime.

Contact Tiger Hills Outfitting today!  CALL: 306-941-7676

Canadian Goose Hunting in Saskatchewan



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